107 Moo 2 Maehee Pai Maehongson Thailand 58130

Package Detail

Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Tour 3
Thom's Elephant Camp Tour 3


THB 3,500/Person
Book Now
Tour and Activities

Tour 3 : MAHOUT TRAINING COURSE (full day)


9:00 There will be an introduction course with some basic facts about Elephant Lifestyle and care. You will learn some basic verbal commands and body language to help communicate with the elephants, followed by some hands-on practice of what you learned.

You will then feed the elephants and get to know each other a little before beginning the ALL DAY adventure with the elephants.

  • 9.00 Feed the Elephants at the Welcome area and get to know each other.
  • 9-10:00 The Morning Trek with the elephants to the mountain. You’ll carry bananas to feed them as a reward for climbing the hill and then spend time with them as they roam around and eat and bond with each other. You’ll observe how they behave in their natural environment, up close and personal.
  • 10-11:00 There is a trek to the river for bath time and more feeding
  • 11:30 You can take a hot spring bath if desired
  • 12:30 enjoy some lunch while resting before the afternoon trek.
  • 1:30-3:00 Rest period for you.
  • 3:30-5:30 After a rest, the tour will be reversed and you will go to the river again for their evening bath before heading back to the mountain to watch a beautiful Pat sunset over the valley, spending the last hour of the day with the elephants before they retire to bed for the evening.

THB 3,500/Person Book Now